Alcohol Markers

These markers come in a rich variety of colors. They dry quickly and produce vibrant colors, and applying several layers won’t cause the paper to wrinkle.
There’s no need to create colors, apply them to a brush, then wash it, making these perfect for carrying around.
Many artists draw comic illustrations using markers, and there are many lectures and demonstrations available, so you can easily look up advice if you need guidance.

The rich variety of colors and easy-to-use brushes make these perfect for marker illustrations. No wonder they’re so popular! Ink refills and replacement parts are readily available as well, so you can use these for a long time.
Transparent Watercolors

Transparent watercolors can be reused after drying simply by adding water, so there’s no need to wash your palette every time. While producing vivid colors is difficult, the soft, transparent feel achieved by applying several layers of color is appealing.
They’re perfect for creating illustrations that have a light, fleeting air about them.
Non-transparent watercolors, and while they are still watercolors, they produce a different effect.

Transparent Watercolors
Available in tube and solid varieties. Great for creating running colors, gradations, and a transparent feel by applying multiple layers.
Colored Ink

Known for its color expression and blurring effect. This flexible ink can be used for everything from filling large areas uniformly to drawing fine lines with a dip pen.
Often used when coloring girls’ manga.

Colord Ink
Remove the ink from the small bottle with a dropper or other instrument and create color mixtures. Water-resistant pigment ink and non-water-resistant dye ink are available.
Acrylic Paint

Known for hiding the colors beneath it when applied. Even if you make a mistake, you can simply paint another layer to correct it.
It produces a matte-like effect, but it can also be used to create everything from soft textures to hard, metallic-like effects depending on how it is used.
It is more often used for colored illustrations in boys’ manga as opposed to girls’ manga.

Acrylic Paint
Comes in several varieties, including liquid-type, hard tube-type, and soft tube-type. Besides adding water, you can also add special solvents (mediums) for a different effect.