We are "generalists that knows the works of design" capable of boosting the creative market and creating an environment where clients can concentrate on their jobs.

.Too implies "exceeding things before the dot and being continuous challenges". Hough we are looking forward to our 100th anniversary, we have always looked ahead in our ever-changing world. Expression and communication are elements that are always inspired by cutting-edge technology and ideas. Too strives to support people that are looking to create by exploring new design values and become a contributing company for the global design culture.

Name of Company Too Corporation
Founded 1919
President Gota Ishii
Sales million yen
Employees ()
  • Development, manufacturing, sales and system integration for design, publishing, editorial, printing, computer graphics and voideo editing markets.
  • Sales of Computers, Office equipment and supplies
  • Technical services and support
  • Development, manufacture and sales of design materials and equipment
Banks Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 
The Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Sales Offices Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Kyoto, Fukuoka
Group Companies
  • Too Holdings Corporation
  • TOOLS INT'L Corp.
  • Too Marker Products Inc.
  • Tools Company
  • G-Too Corp.
  • Too Digital Marketplace Inc.
  • Bonny Colart Co.Ltd.
Overseas Group Companies
  • Too Corporation Americas
  • Too (Shanghai) Corporation
  • Hawaiian Graphics Corp.
  • Millbrook Country Club LTD.

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